Oliver Decker
Bio :
Psychologist, Director of the Else-Frenkel-Brunswik Institute and the Centre of Excellence for Research on Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy, both at the University of Leipzig. Chair of Social Psychology and Intercultural Practice at Sigmund Freud University Berlin. Together with Elmar Brähler, he is responsible for the Leipzig Authoritarianism Studies on right-wing extremist attitudes in Germany since 2002 (until 2018 Leipzig "Centre" Studies). Recent book publication with Johannes Kiess and Elmar Brähler: Escape into Authoritarianism (2022, Routledge) and with Johannes Kiess, Elmar Brähler and Ayline Heller “Autoritäre Dynamiken. Neue Herausforderungen - Alte Reaktionen (2022, Psychosozial).