At Birkbeck, University of London, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th May 2019
The Psychosocial – reflections and developments
The APS conference 2019 will create an innovative space for developing the field of psychosocial studies. Our aim is to facilitate discussions grounded in the history of our field and to open up a space for developing its future.
There are two parts to the conference.
The morning of each of the two days of the conference will be devoted to shared reading and discussion. Texts representing the diversity of psychosocial ideas will be selected by researchers, practitioners and activists (Ann Phoenix, Kate Kenny, Stephen Frosh, Paul Stenner, the Activist Researcher Collective, Ian McGimpsey, Candida Yates and others…) who will lead group discussions.
We are now inviting proposals for the afternoon sessions. Each afternoon will offer one-and-a-half hour workshops/panels/symposia to facilitate creative engagement with new research, concepts and issues relevant to psychosocial studies. Sessions might include:
- Symposia with themed research and/or practice-based papers
- Group exercises analysing data or reflecting on key issues
- Chaired discussion of current issues relevant to the field of psychosocial studies
- A debate on a contested concept, approach, or idea
- A reflective group activity
- A creative arts or practice-based presentation or activity
Please send a proposal of up to 500 words specifying:
- A title for your session
- The theme, concept or issue to be explored and its significance for the field of psychosocial studies
- The format of the session, including details of planned activities, materials (e.g. video, data extracts, texts or images), and how you will involve session participants in reflection and discussion
Send your proposal to:
Send your proposal by: Friday 8th February 2019
We look forward to hearing from you!
The conference organisers – Bruna Seu and Andy Fugard (Birkbeck) and Caroline Pelletier and Claudia Lapping (UCL)
Registration fees
(N.B. Registration not yet open)
Full conference fee
£50 – waged non APS members
£40 – waged APS members
£20 – unwaged
One day fee
£25 – waged non APS members
£20 – waged APS members
£10 – unwaged